Pavel and Janickova,
VŠB-Technical University Ostrava, Czech Republic
Industrial Risk Communication and Perception Experience in the Czech Republic
early 90’s, when environmental politic in the Czech Republic was set-up and
legislation preparation on this field started, an important progress has been
achieved and many legislative steps (EIA procedure, Right-To-Know act)
introduced. Also, some enterprises have already started introduction of
ISO 14000 Norms,
EMAS and other pro-active management
techniques involving public participation and even first “Good
Neighbourhood” programmes are in progress. Nevertheless, the general public
does not sufficiently appreciate the environmental benefits arising from
implementation of environmental legislation, which reflects for example in
limited participation of general public on EIA process in most of cases.
part of environmental issues is prevention of industrial accidents involving
dangerous substances. An industrial accident may have catastrophic impact on
human health and environment and consequences develop in relatively short time,
what even aggravate the unacceptability of such event.
In EU legislation, the Directive 96/82/EC - On the Control of Major
Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substancies
with this problem and with contrary to previous SEVESO Directive, the necessity
of communication with public is emphasized. In the Czech Republic, Act 353/99 Sb.
(the parallel to COMAH Directive) has been introduced and till now, the first
step has been done, consisting of preliminary risk analysis of enterprises
dealing with dangerous substances in large quantities. Till 29th January 2002,
all enterprises related to Act 353/99 Sb. have to finish safety programs and
reports and to introduce emergency plans. Also, local governments are obliged to
prepare external operation plans and whole the procedure involves participation
of public, similar like in EIA procedure. Till now, only very limited
information concerning possible accidents were released from enterprises and
there is virtually no experience with this kind of public involvement and the
lack of experience in communication has been demonstrated during recent
accidental release of chlorine in Spolana Neratovice.
Enterprises and local governments start to be aware of public participation importance and often willing to start communication, but on the other hand they are afraid of negative reactions (distrust, negativism, panic…). The need to facilitate the communication and to help start good exchange among all partners involved in decision making on the field of major industrial accidents prevention is then obvious. Another, not yet sufficiently investigated topic is perception of risks of possible industrial accidents and confidence of public to different parties involved in management of such a situation.
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