Papers submitted in this Conference appear in alphabetical order of the first author

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Additional safety related papers

Papers to appear


The new papers appearing in this session are properly marked. 

     Barontini Federicaa, Cozzani Valeriob, Petarca Luigib,Zanelli Severinob (Italy)

aConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dai Rischi Chimico-Industriali ed Ecologici, Pisa, Italy

bDipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Chimica Industriale e Scienza dei Materiali, Università di Pisa, Italy

Modeling the Formation and Release of Hazardous Substances in the Loss of control of Chemical Systems containing Brominated Flame Retardants  

     Cozzani Valerio and Zanelli Severino (Italy)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Chimica Industriale e Scienza dei Materiali, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Italy

An Approach to the Assessment of Domino Accidents Hazard in Quantitative Area Risk Analysis

Danihelka, Pavel and Janickova, Simona (Czech Republic)

VŠB-Technical University Ostrava, Czech Republic

Industrial Risk Communication and  Perception Experience in the Czech Republic

Duffield, J.S.,(Joint Research Centre)

Major Accident Hazards Bureau

Major Accident Hazards Bureau

Elsigan, Gerhard (Austria)

PPM, research + consulting, Linz, Austria

Assessment of the usefulness of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for SMEs

Fatta* D., Papadopoulos* A., Savvides* Ch., Kiriakou** Th., Leodidou** T. and Loizidou* M. (Greece and Cyprus)

 *Chemical Engineering Department, National Technical University of Athens

 **Department of Labour Inspection, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, Republic of Cyprus

Development of a Software System for the Management of Chemical Substances in Cyprus

Griffel, Avi (Israel)

Israeli Institute for Safety and Hygiene

Preparing an EU project: Experimental Implementation of OSHMS for SMEs  

Jeynes, Jacqueline MBA, B.Ed(Hons), BA (UK)

Federation of Small Businesses, H&S and Risk Management Policy Committee

The impact of European Legislation on Health & Safety in Small Firms

Le Coze, J-C., Prats, F. and Salvi, O. (France)

Institut National de l'Environment et des Risques

ATOS (Analysis of Technical & Organisational Safety for major-accident prevention): Risk analysis method integrating both technical and organisational factors and using safety performance indicators 

Leva, Kirsi (Finland)

TUKES – Safety Technology Authority in Finland  

SEVESO II in Finland -  the basic situation in companies and future challenges in safety management  

     Mengolini A.,Christou  M.

Work performed at Joint Research Centre, Italy



     Mouzakis, Georgios (Greece) 

Ministry of Environment, Planning and Public Works, Greece


The current situation of the Seveso II Directive's implementation in Greece

Paleari, M.1, Riva, M.2,  Zani, F.2 (Italy)

1Diachem Agro S.p.a, 2Syreco S.r.l.

SMMARTEN Methodology Implementation: Strengths and Weaknesses

Palecek Milos, (Czech republic)

Occupational Safety Research Institute (VUBP)


Papadakis G., Fatta D., Papadopoulos Α., Kourmoussis F., Linou K. and Loizidou M. (Greece)

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Development and application of a methodology for hazard analysis and risk assessment for industrial units dealing with dangerous substances  

Papadopoulos A., Fatta D., Kourmoussis F. and Loizidou M. (Greece)

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Development of Technical Specifications for the Transportation of Hazardous Waste

Petrolekas1 P.D. and Haritopoulos2  P. (Greece)

1ABS Group (Hellas) S.A., Greece

2Shell Gas S.A., Greece  

A Risk Management Approach for Seveso sites

    Poulida Olga and Constantinou Leonidas (Cyprus) (submitted October 23rd)

Frederick Research Center, Nicosia Cyprus


Development of an Integrated Management System in a Small and Medium-size oil Industry:  Safety, Energy and Environment

     Saka K., (Japan)

Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc., Tokyo, Japan


On-the-spot Risk Assessment by the workers – practice in Japan

Salomon, Roland (Germany)

TÜV Süddeutschland Bau und Betrieb GmbH, Munich, Germany 

Systematic Approach for Assessing the Safety Measures for Reaction Vessels

Salvi, O., Vuidart, I. Caumont, M. and Prats, F. (France)

Institut Nationale de l'Environment Industriel et des Risques

Safety Management Systems in application of the Seveso II Directive: Lessons learnt from implementation in SMEs

Schaafsma J. and Loupasis S. (Netherlands)

Total Loop Management Ltd., Netherlands

Software for environmental industrial safety in Eastern Europe: collaboration between a Dutch and a Russian SME

Vansina, Peter and Goethals, Michiel (Belgium)

Chemical risks directorate, Federal Ministry of Employment and Labour, Belgium  

The second version of the Metatechnical Evaluation System

Walker, Deborah (UK)

Centre for Hazard and Risk Management, Loughborough University, UK

An Evaluation of the Safety Information Centre approach in providing health and safety advice to small firms