Leva, Kirsi
TUKES – Safety Technology Authority in
SEVESO II in Finland
- the basic situation in companies and future challenges in
safety management
The aim of this study is
to find out what kind of impact the SEVESO II Directive has had in Finland, and
what kind of effect it has had on companies’ general safety level, procedures,
awareness of risks, attitudes towards safety and accidents as well as near-misses.
Data has been collected both from target companies and from authorities as their
opinions may differ in this respect. The study began in 1999 and will be
completed by the end of 2001.
First and foremost, both
the companies and the authorities think that the new focus of the Directive on
safety management issues is having a positive effect on companies’ general
safety level. On the other hand, the results of the first inspections show that
systematic safety management is still in its infancy. Companies need to improve
their analysis of processes and activities to prevent nonconformities and to
ensure high production safety in the long run. Ensuring high production quality
and safety-correcting actions is not enough, however. The authorities’
inspections have been viewed positively and future challenges companies
mentioned placing more emphasis on the personnel’s qualifications and
abilities in hazardous situations, information about handling hazardous
chemicals, and the control of changes. To sum up, law reforms are regarded
positively and pose a definite challenge for the further improvement of safety
full text (in rtf format)
presentation (in html format)
about TUKES - Safety Technology Authority in Filand
Levä TUKES – Safety Technology Authority in Finland P.O.Box
123 FIN-00181 Helsinki Tel. +358 9 616 7412 e-mail: kirsi.leva@tukes.fi |
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