Additional safety related papers
Your questions and comments are welcome in 'Discussions on board'
and Inspections: How can we maximise effectiveness? by Robin Turney and
presented at the OECD Workshop on Audits and Inspections related to Chemical
Accident Preparedness
and Response, 5-9 March 2001, Madrid, Spain
Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems relevant to Small Firms?”
by Jacqueline
"Guidance on safety management requirements for smaller sized dangerous chemical enterprises: the SMMARTEN project" G. Papadakis, N. Linou, A.Mengolini, D. Fatta and A. Papadopoulos, 10th Symposium Loss Prevention & Safety Promotionin Process Industries, Stockholm 2001
"On the promotion of Risk Management for small sized dangerous chemical enterprises within the SMMARTEN project" Linou, N., Papadakis G.A & Fatta, D.Proceedings of MEDIN meeting (Mediterranean Disaster and Information Network)organised by the European Commission, Research DG (D1), Brussels, 15-16 November 2000
of Seveso 2000 Papers
Linda J. Bellamy and Jaap van der Schaaf
SAVE Consulting Scientists, The Netherlands
Major Hazard Management: Technical-Management Links and the AVRIM 2 Method
F. Ruiz Boada* and A. Garces de Marcilla**
*Subdirector General Adjunto de Planes y Operaciones de la Direccion General de Proteccion Civil, Spain
**Directora de Programa de Riesgo Quimico de la Direccion General de Proteccion Civil, Spain
Chemical Risk in Spain: Implementation of Seveso II
T.J. Britton
Health & Safety Executive, Chemical & Hazardous Installations Division (CHID)
Examining Safety Reports and Evaluating Safety Management Systems
C. Christofidis
T. Champers*, and St. Tournis**
*Essential Technologies, USA
**Garnett Associates Ltd, Greece
The Essentila Role of Modern Technologies in Emergency Response; Real World Cases
Michalis D. Christou, Marina Mattarelli and Jean-Pierre Nordvik
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety,Italy
Valerio Cozzani*, Lorenzo Foschi**, Giovanni Francalanza**, Severino Zanellic***
*Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dai Rischi Chimico-Industriali ed Ecologici, Italy
**Istituto per la Sicurezza e le Tecnologie Ambientali Srl, Italy
***Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Chimica Industriale e Scienza dei Materiali Universita degli Studi di Pisa, Italy
The Use of Quantitative Area Risk Assessment Techniques in Land Use Planning
Dr. Hermann Dreher
BASF AG Ludwigshafen, Germany
The Worldwide Safety and Environment Audit Program of a Major Chemical Company
A. Dutrieux* and G. Van Malder**
*ATM-PRO s.p.r.l., Belgium
**Major Accidents Prevention, Ministry of the Walloon Region, Belgium
Dr. A. P. Franks, Mr. M. L. Middleton and Mr. G. Bennett
Use of Gap Analysis in Making the Transition to Seveso II
D. Gilbert
Ministry for the Environment, France
Louis H.J. Goossens* , Brigitte H.J. Heming* and Linda J. Bellamy**
*Safety Science Group, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
**SAVE Consulting Scientists, the Netherlands
NIVRIM - A lower tier Seveso II inspection tool
F.W. Guldenmund, A.R. Hale* & L.J. Bellamy**
*Safety Science Group, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
**SAVE, Apeldoorn, Netherlands
The Development and Application of a Tailored Audit Approach to Major Chemical Hazard Sites
Anders Jacobsson* and the Association of Swedish Chemical Industries
*AJ Risk Engineering AB, Sweden
Integrated SHE Management/Auditing Systems - Practical Guidelines (Especially for SEM/S)
G. D. Kenney, M. Boult, R. M. Pitblado
Lessons for Seveso II from Longford Australia
A. Kerhoas
Industry Division Bureau Veritas, France
Giancarlo Ludovisi and Rita Bisegna
Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzione e la Sicurezza del Lavoro, Italy
Inpections carried out following accidents which have occurred in the "Seveso Directive" plants:
what they should have taught us
G. Van Malder
Ministere de la region Wallone, Belgium,
Deterministic and Probabilistic Approaches in Risk Analysis: The Walloon Region's hybrid approach
Y.V. Malmen
VTT Automation, Risk Management,Finland
To put a company's SMS and MAPP on paper - A Finnish Case Study
N.C. Markatos*, C.T. Kiranoudis*, K.G Zografos**, I. Ziomas***
*Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,Greece
**Department of Management Science and Marketing, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
***Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
An Operational Centre for Managing Major Chemical Industrial Accidents
Georgios Mouzakis and Katerina Pelekassi
Ministry of Environment,
The Implementation of the Seveso II Directive in Greece
Peter Newman
UK Environment Agency Trevor Britton and Peter Sargent, UK Health and Safety Executive
B. Nilsson
The National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, Sweden
K. Sipsas
Bayer Hellas AG., GREECE
Maria L. Stangl
Regional Government of Styria, Austria
Jacques van Steen*, Tom Terstegge** and Vivian Hoogstede***
*DCMR Environmental Protection Agency, Netherlands
**Labour Inspectorate, region Southwest, Netherlands
***Rotterdam Fire Brigade, Netherlands
Dr Wolfgang Viefers*, Bernd Frohlich**, Simberto Senni Buratti*** and Simon Jones****
*Bayer AG, Germany
**Exxon Chemical Company, Germany
***Snamprogetti, Italy
****EPSC, UK
F. Zani and M. Riva
Syreco S.r.l., Italy
C. Zuijderduijn
Shell Nederland Raffinaderij B.V., Netherlands
Implementing Seveso II in The Netherlands - Operational Experiences in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Region
The Future of Safety Management Systems in the Process Industries
Risk Management by Shell Refinery/Chemicals at Pernis, the Netherlands