Elsigan, Gerhard
PPM, research + consulting, Linz, Austria
Assessment of the usefulness of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for SMEs
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) under EU Directives 91/155/EEC and 93/112/EC aim at providing professional users of dangerous substances and preparations with the information needed for safe handling of the products in the workplace and the environment. With the project “Assessment of the Usefulness of Material Safety Data Sheets for SMEs” we threw some light on the use of SDS in small companies. In particular we looked at the use and usefulness of SDS in SMEs and asked the users for their opinion about this information tool.
research was jointly carried out in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands by
conducting and evaluating in total fifty interviews with representatives of SMEs.
The interviewees were selected from four business sectors: car repair shops,
plastic processing companies, metal works, and dental laboratories. In addition,
sixteen suppliers of dangerous chemicals and fifteen representatives of umbrella
organisations and experts in government organisations were interviewed.
executive summary (in word format)
about ppm and working group
Gerhard Elsigan PPM research+consulting Kaplanhofstraße
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